Skand Bhandarkar,印度中央邦印多尔的设计师
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Skand Bhandarkar

Verified Expert  in Design


Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Toptal Member Since
August 16, 2019

Skand是由Adobe和Facebook在网络类别中颁发的2018年Design4India奖的获奖者. 他在设计领域工作了13年,其中9年在UX/UI领域. Skand擅长用户界面、线框图和原型设计. 他曾与惠普、派拉蒙影业和Avis汽车租赁公司等公司合作. Skand为世界各地的客户设计了完整的网络、社交和印刷身份.


Work Experience

WordPress Web Designer and Developer

2022 - 2023
battleface, Inc
  • 与团队合作设计登陆页面,并使用elements和Bootstrap进行编码.
  • 设计开发了一个基于WordPress的文档管理库.
  • 创建并开发了一个基于react的WordPress插件,用于搜索文档.
  • 致力于重塑网站品牌,并设计和开发在各个部分使用的元素库.
Technologies: WordPress, Web Design, Websites, Landing Pages, Landing Page Design, Figma, Elementor, Bootstrap, React, Angular, Prototyping, eCommerce, eCommerce UX, On-page SEO, Adobe Creative Suite, Digital Design, Visual Design, Website Redesign, Content Management Systems (CMS), Landing Page Optimization, Development, Layout, Web UI Design, Google SEO, MySQL, UI Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web

WordPress Web Designer and Developer

2022 - 2023
  • 设计和开发新的faq页面,确保其一致性和易用性.
  • 帮助准备和实现一个新的风格指南.
  • 参与了网站UI和UX各方面的设计和开发.
Technologies: WordPress, Web Design, Websites, Landing Pages, Landing Page Design, Figma, PSD to WordPress, UX Design, UI Design, UX Strategy, Elementor, Layout Design, Angular, Prototyping, eCommerce, eCommerce UX, On-page SEO, Adobe Creative Suite, Digital Design, Visual Design, Website Redesign, Content Management Systems (CMS), Landing Page Optimization, Development, Layout, Web UI Design, Google SEO, MySQL, UI Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web


2021 - 2022
Applied Materials
  • 进行网站咨询,为网站寻找最佳的平台和存储解决方案.
  • 完成对现有网站的用户体验审计. 指出痛点和需要改进的地方.
  • 根据用户体验审计的结果设计和开发网站.
  • 将网站与谷歌Analytics, Salesforce和谷歌Sheets等各种平台连接起来.
Technologies: WordPress, Figma, Google Analytics, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Responsive Web Design (RWD), PSD to WordPress, UX Design, UI Design, UX Strategy, Elementor, Layout Design, UX Wireframes, Prototyping, B2B Designer, On-page SEO, PowerPoint Design, Adobe Creative Suite, Graphic Design, Digital Design, Visual Design, Website Redesign, Content Management Systems (CMS), Professional Services, Landing Page Optimization, Development, Web UX Design, B2B, Web UI Design, Google SEO, MySQL, Pharmaceuticals, UI Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web

Creative Director

2013 - 2022
eLEOPARD Design Studios Pvt
  • 与内容创作者团队密切合作,制定新产品的发布策略.
  • 处理新项目的市场调查,为产品在网上发布的设计和网络足迹策略工作.
  • 与团队成员合作制定品牌指导方针、网络体验和营销资产.
  • 指导并协助动画团队制作各种培训视频和公司展示短片.
  • 带领团队使用公司的印刷品和社会资产.
  • 制定知识和资产共享策略,减少各种常用资产的返工.
Technologies: Mobile Applications, User Interface (UI), WordPress, InVision, Figma, User Experience (UX), Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Branding, Responsive Web Design (RWD), UI Design, UX Strategy, Elementor, PowerPoint Design, Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft PowerPoint, Graphic Design, Digital Design, Visual Design, WooCommerce, Content Management Systems (CMS), Professional Services, Webflow, Agency Websites, Development, Drop Shipping, Shopify, Retail & 批发,网页用户体验设计,广告,线框图,网页用户界面设计,用户界面开发,网页

Lead Designer and Developer

2019 - 2020
Paragon Security
  • 帮助客户完成员工招聘网页应用的用户体验和用户界面. The project was based on Kendo UI. 我在UX、UI和前端代码方面都做过.
  • 为客户端加载码头应用程序创建UX和UI. 该应用程序使公司能够记录员工和来访客人的进出时间. 然后,这些条目作为报告提供给公司安全人员查看.
  • 为客户公司网站进行WordPress开发. 是否在旧设计的基础上从头开始完整地开发网站.
  • 重新编码整个网站,将网站文件的大小从1GB降至150MB以下.
  • 通过实施各种SEO工具和指导方针,致力于提高网站的性能和速度. 致力于图像优化以提高速度.
Technologies: Kendo UI, WordPress, Figma, Photoshop CC, Web Design, Angular, Product Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), PSD to WordPress, UX Design, UI Design, UX Strategy, Elementor, Layout Design, Interaction Design (IxD), UX Wireframes, Responsive Web Apps, User Journeys, Prototyping, User Scenarios, B2B Designer, On-page SEO, Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft PowerPoint, Digital Design, Visual Design, Website Redesign, Content Management Systems (CMS), Professional Services, Development, Retail & 批发,Web UX设计,B2B, Web UI设计,b谷歌SEO, UI开发,Web

Lead Designer and Developer

2019 - 2019
Sun Trans Corp
  • 研究客户提供的想法,并创建了一套相关的标志, 客户从中选择最后一个.
  • 在最初的会议基础上,开发UX和UI网站. 给了客户两个样品,他完成了其中一个.
  • 基于网站UI设计社交档案. 为客户的Facebook创建匹配的个人资料横幅和个人资料图像, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages.
  • 根据设计为客户做WordPress网站. 由于时间限制,网站在24小时内完成.
Technologies: Illustrator CC, Figma, Photoshop CC, Web Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), UI Design, Elementor, Layout Design, Prototyping, On-page SEO, Adobe Creative Suite, Visual Design, Content Management Systems (CMS), Development, Retail & 批发,网页用户体验设计,B2B,网页用户界面设计,MySQL

UX/UI Designer

2012 - 2013
Tata Consultancy Services
  • 集思广益,设计各种应用程序的用户流程.
  • 为公司各种产品的营销设计视觉效果.
  • 根据截屏和画外音制作各种视频,向潜在客户推销产品.
  • 制定战略,设计公司季刊.
Technologies: Mobile Applications, User Interface (UI), Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Branding, Product Design, Adobe After Effects, Responsive Web Design (RWD), UX Design, UI Design, UX Strategy, PowerPoint Design, Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft PowerPoint, Graphic Design, Visual Design, Advertising, Wireframing, Web UI Design
2007 - 2011



FEBRUARY 2018 - APRIL 2019

Growth Driven Design



Inbound Marketing
