
Showing 1-4 of 4 results


Haxe Review: Haxe 4 Features and Strengths

The quietly growing number of serious Haxe projects have something new to contend with: the first major compiler release in over three years. What does Haxe 4 bring to the table?

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Kevin Bloch

Kevin Bloch

Haxe: Cross-platform Development’s Best-kept Secret

The modern, cross-platform programming language Haxe is well-known in some circles, yet many developers have never heard of it. Since it first appeared in 2005, it’s been battle-tested by its loyal—if rather quiet—following.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Kevin Bloch explores the Haxe ecosystem and how to transpile some sample code.

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Kevin Bloch

Kevin Bloch

Building Cross-platform Apps with Xamarin: Perspective of an Android Developer

Writing reusable code that can be shared across multiple platforms can make developing mobile applications a lot easier. But, how do you do that without paying the usual cost of maintainability, ease of testing, and poor user experience that comes with cross-platform mobile application development?

In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Emran Bajrami walks us through Xamarin and shows us techniques for building high-quality cross-platform apps.

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Emran Bajrami

Emran Bajrami

Electron: Cross-platform Desktop Apps Made Easy

Building cross-platform desktop applications has been something of a nightmare for a very long time, as extreme differences between popular desktop operating systems makes it a challenging feat. However, in light of newer tools and frameworks like Electron, building a cross-platform desktop application has never been easier. In this article, Toptal engineer Stéphane P. Péricat walks us through a step-by-step tutorial to building a cross-platform password key-ring desktop application using technologies that most of us are already familiar with.

15 minute readContinue Reading
Stéphane P. Péricat

Stéphane P. Péricat

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