Davor Badrov, Developer in Zagreb, Croatia
Davor is available for hire
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Davor Badrov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Zagreb, Croatia
Toptal Member Since
December 12, 2019

Davor是一名拥有9年以上经验的高级全栈开发人员, 熟练制定可扩展和有效的解决方案. 精通单片和微服务架构, Davor对于任何对前端和后端技术有深刻理解的团队和项目来说都是一个通用的资产. 具有解决问题和不断学习的热情, 他是推动贵公司发展的最佳人选.


TSG Global
Elixir, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), React, Vue, JavaScript...
JavaScript, Node.js, Elixir, Phoenix, Express.js, TypeScript, CSS...
持续开发(CD),持续集成(CI),云,SQL, ESLint...




Preferred Environment

Docker, Linux,全栈,敏捷,Git,软件开发,Elixir, Phoenix

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Full-stack Developer

2021 - PRESENT
TSG Global
  • 负责管理和客户门户,并从Vue 2重写为React/TypeScript. 通过GitHub Actions为前端引入CI/CD.
  • Worked on the VoIP stack and relevant integrations. 引入了新的VoIP提供商,并在堆栈中实现了自定义呼叫逻辑.
  • 扩展了Elixir后端的功能,并编写了几个新的Elixir微服务.
Technologies: Elixir, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), React, Vue, JavaScript, TypeScript, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, Microservices Architecture, GraphQL, APIs, SendGrid, Email Delivery, Email, Node.js, GitHub, CI/CD Pipelines, Front-end, HTML, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Development, Websites, PHP, HTML5, Software Architecture, API Integration, Architecture, Agile, Contentful, Git, Netlify, Software Development, Vuex, Payment APIs, Tailwind CSS, Cloud, Single-page Applications (SPA), Test Automation, Linux, Phoenix, Code Review, Telecommunications, Stripe, eCommerce, eCommerce Development, Functional Programming

Full-stack Developer

2017 - PRESENT
  • Developed a site for selling electric scooters. It had headless eCommerce and CMS integrations. 它基于Gatsby,集成了Calendly、BigCommerce API、Salesforce和Contentful. 它是完全响应多个本地化.
  • Built a Node.基于js的库,作为Express的中间件.js and Koa, 它自动捕获用户错误,并将它们发送到一个平台,该平台将这些错误进行汇总和可视化.
  • Created the front end of an invoice management app written in React; it was fully responsive and had a lot of custom inputs and dynamically generated pages.
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Elixir, Phoenix, Express.js, TypeScript, CSS, Responsive Design, SQL, PostgreSQL, CI/CD Pipelines, Payment APIs, BigCommerce API, BigCommerce, CSS-in-JS, Gatsby, Netlify, Tailwind CSS, Vue 2, Single-page Applications (SPA), Koa, Linux, Code Review, Shopify, Next.js, Stripe, MUI (Material UI), Amazon Web Services (AWS), NoSQL, Svelte, Maps, eCommerce, eCommerce Development, Functional Programming, Supabase, Firebase

Software Engineer

2019 - 2020
  • 致力于从遗留系统中提取公共功能到可重用的微服务.
  • 为代码推送的一个服务创建了一个自动化的CI/CD管道. 管道运行单元测试、端到端测试和代码质量工具. 构建将被触发,生成一个可部署的工件,自动部署到Azure云.
  • 创建了一个新的服务,用非常简化的UI和行为抽象掉旧的遗留系统. 最终,所有遗留部件在被替换时都被移除.
  • Worked on a system with abstractions, 使其能够通过统一的核心和UI连接到不同的遗留系统.
Technologies: 持续开发(CD),持续集成(CI),云,SQL, ESLint, E2E Testing, ECMAScript (ES6), Webpack, Unit Testing, HTML, Microservices, Front-end Development, Azure, Babel, React, REST APIs, Node.js, Express.js, Sass, CSS, JavaScript, GraphQL, Docker, Azure Cloud Services, Vue, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Phoenix, Elixir, Full-stack, APIs, CI/CD Pipelines, Front-end, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Development, Websites, HTML5, Software Architecture, API Integration, Architecture, Agile, Git, Software Development, Vuex, Vue 2, Microservices Architecture, Single-page Applications (SPA), Test Automation, Linux, Code Review, MUI (Material UI), NoSQL, Maps, Functional Programming

Full-stack Developer

2015 - 2019
Kanban (KNB_)
  • 作为团队的一员,为我们最大的客户制作了一个巨大的企业应用程序, 客户的员工在全球范围内使用的是哪一种. 使用该平台一年后,客户的利润增长了两倍.
  • 在一个月内用React Native发布了一款时间紧迫的移动应用,覆盖iOS和Android,为公司赢得了一个大客户. 该应用程序的后端与客户端的Odoo系统集成在一起.
  • 带领一个5人的开发团队开发一个企业平台.
  • 为全国范围内的促销游戏制作了一个网页应用程序,为全国最大的啤酒经销商之一提供奖品.
  • Optimized a number of large SQL reporting queries. 执行时间从几分钟减少到一到两秒. Sometimes it would be a subsecond.
  • 通过证明图形数据库(Neo4j)可以被几个JSON定义和几个函数取代,从而大大简化了代码和简化了开发部署,从而降低了企业平台的复杂性.
Technologies: Single-page Applications (SPA), SQL, ESLint, E2E Testing, ECMAScript (ES6), Webpack, Unit Testing, HTML, Responsive Design, Front-end Development, Babel, React, REST APIs, Express.. js, Sass, CSS, React Native, Elasticsearch, Redis, NGINX, MongoDB, MySQL, Angular, Node.js, JavaScript, Full-stack, APIs, Less, CSS3 Animation, Mailchimp, Email Delivery, Email, GitHub, CI/CD Pipelines, Front-end, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Development, Websites, HTML5, Software Architecture, Architecture, Agile, Git, Web Scraping, Software Development, Data Scraping, SendGrid, Test Automation, Linux, Code Review, MUI (Material UI), NoSQL, Maps, eCommerce, eCommerce Development

Front-end Developer

2014 - 2015
  • 为一家美国初创公司开发了一款照片和视频竞赛网络应用. 用户可以上传照片和视频,并参加比赛,上传最好的将获得奖品. The app was made with scalability in mind.
  • 作为团队的一员,为克罗地亚的一家大型零售商开发了一个新的网上商店应用程序.
  • 为安联(Allianz)克罗地亚分公司制作了一个带有自定义CMS后端的平板电脑应用程序, the insurance company. 我们将所有的保险销售文档迁移到数字化格式,这样他们就可以通过CMS保持最新.
  • Created a number of responsive web apps and pages.
Technologies: Single-page Applications (SPA), Gulp, Grunt, ECMAScript (ES6), Webpack, Responsive Design, Front-end Development, Babel, React, REST APIs, Express.js, Sass, Node.js, MySQL, PHP, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Full-stack, APIs, Less, CSS3 Animation, GitHub, Front-end, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Development, Websites, HTML5, Architecture, Agile, Git, Software Development, Redux, NoSQL, Maps

Tesla's Microservice System

I upgraded and improved an existing React/Node.Js微服务,作为第三方系统的前端. 它是运行在Kubernetes上的微服务系统的一部分.



我的职责是改进现有的系统设计, fix several issues, 并将应用程序从传统状态转变为更现代的系统. 我还提出了一些改进UX和解决系统中可能出现的一致性问题的建议.


我在他们基于React/ redux的前端应用程序中担任全栈开发人员,后端使用Elixir微服务. It used GraphQL for client-server communication.

I led the front-end development, 重写并简化了它们的前端实现, fixed the Redux usage patterns, and introduced testing.

我还对一些后端应用程序进行了dockerization,并编写了Docker-compose脚本来简化开发. 开发人员需要运行一个Docker-compose并启动他们的应用程序,而不是安装和管理所有必需的基础设施.

Atheneum Enterprise Platform

全球客户办公室使用的知识中介平台, specifically in China, Pakistan, Germany, UK, US, and Chile. 其理念是将需要完成工作的客户与平台上的专家联系起来. 该平台在全球拥有庞大的工程师基础,拥有各自领域的所有专家.

The platform was built using React, Node.MySQL在主从配置,ElasticSearch, Redis. It also has a custom Chrome plugin.


它有三个不同的子应用程序:面向公司员工, for clients, and for experts, which were organized in a micro front-end setup.

该应用几乎全天候运行,部署停机时间极短. 有时部署没有任何停机时间.

Allianz Insurance Sales System

一个CMS和一个平板电脑应用程序,使安联保险销售人员能够将他们所有的文件数字化, charts, and tables, have them online, and change them as needed.

这款平板电脑上的应用动画效果非常好,非常吸引眼球. 它将在本地缓存内容,并在连接在线时同步.

By relying on MS installers and automation, 我们让客户只需点击一下就可以在数千台平板电脑上安装应用程序.

GCP Tenant App

为一家出租公寓和物品的房地产公司开发的React Native iOS和Android应用. 它有几个功能,让他们的租户更容易维护公寓, access to emergency contacts, rent-paying, track updates in their neighborhood area, new apartment search, etc.

The back end was a Node.js app with MySQL. 它使用客户端的Odoo平台在系统之间同步数据.

Asolvi Service Management Platform

一个平台,它是用于现场服务管理的旧遗留系统的抽象. 这是该公司降低维护成本的举措的一部分,因为它有一个20年的遗留系统,打算退役.

我们决定将这个庞大的平台拆分为多个微服务. We call it "strangling the monolith.“我们使用Elixir和PostgreSQL创建了两个微服务, 与旧平台沟通并提取核心功能的部分.

该应用程序有一个CI管道,可以在新代码被推送时自动构建Docker镜像. 云服务器被链接到Docker存储库,当新版本的图像被标记为“稳定”时,会自动重新部署.

我们做了一些调整,以便微服务可以使用Azure应用服务和本地服务在云上运行, specifically on Windows Server and leveraging IIS.

For Windows Server, 它与定制的安装程序集成在一起,因此系统管理员只需运行安装程序并单击安装程序即可设置整个系统,而无需手动干预.

Karlovacko Beer Promotion Game

A countrywide game with prizes where, on bottle caps, 你会找到代码,并在网络应用程序中输入它们,可以赢得不同的奖品. 作为促销活动的一部分,有数百万个代码生成并印在瓶盖上.

The app used React, Node.js, MongoDB, and SASS for styling. It was running for a few months.


I was a full-stack developer, 主要是在Elixir和PostgreSQL中做后端,用于PostgreSQL和Airtable之间的双向数据同步. 我还致力于在PostgreSQL中安全解决多租户问题, 当客户端上线时,动态地启动DB实例.

TSG Global Platform

提供语音、短信和彩信传输及支持服务的电信平台. 它有一个微服务架构,主要是用Elixir编写的,还有一些用React编写的UI应用程序(新的)。, Vue (old ones), and TypeScript. 所有的东西都是通过Docker容器化的,它运行在Kubernetes集群中.

我是一名全栈工程师,负责维护旧服务和开发新服务. 我编写了许多新的Elixir服务,维护了一些旧的服务(其中一些是用PHP和VB编写的).NET),并使用React和TypeScript编写了两个新的门户. 我还编写了许多CI/CD管道:一个是Elixir, 重写旧版本以支持较新的Elixir版本, 两个是React通过GitHub Actions自动构建和部署代码. 我还维护、调试和自动化了部分Voice堆栈.

Advalyze - Unu Scooter

基于BigCommerce的无头电子商务集成和Contentful的CMS集成的摩托车销售和租赁平台. 它是使用Gatsby和React为静态构建的站点开发的. 它使用Netlify进行部署和托管,使用Contentful进行CMS内容.



SQL, JavaScript, CSS, Sass, HTML, Elixir, TypeScript, HTML5, GraphQL, ECMAScript (ES6), Less, PHP


Express.js, Koa, Phoenix, React Native, Next.js、顺风CSS、Redux、MUI (Material UI)、Angular、Svelte


Node.js, REST API, React, Vue, Stripe, Vue 2, BigCommerce API, Vuex


SendGrid, Git, GitHub, Webpack, Gulp, Grunt, Babel, Mailchimp, NGINX, RabbitMQ


Unit Testing, Agile, Test Automation, E2E Testing, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Functional Programming, Microservices, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Development (CD), Microservices Architecture


Responsive Design, Front-end Development, Single-page Applications (SPA), Full-stack, APIs, Front-end, Web Development, Websites, API Integration, Software Development, Code Review, Maps, CI/CD Pipelines, CSS3 Animation, Email Delivery, Email, Software Architecture, Architecture, Web Scraping, Data Scraping, Airtable, Payment APIs, Cloud, ESLint, Gatsby, CSS-in-JS, eCommerce, eCommerce Development, Supabase


Azure, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Contentful, Netlify, BigCommerce, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Kubernetes, Shopify, Firebase


MySQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure Cloud Services, Elasticsearch, Redis, MongoDB, SQL Server 2012

Industry Expertise


2012 - 2014

Master's Degree in Computer Science


2009 - 2012

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science


MARCH 2023 - MARCH 2026

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Amazon Web Services