Dmitry Malyugin, Developer in Denpasar, Indonesia
Dmitry is available for hire
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Dmitry Malyugin

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Denpasar, Indonesia
Toptal Member Since
November 6, 2017

Dmitry is a full-stack, React Native, Node.具有丰富的移动SDK和插件开发经验. 他精通原生iOS、Android和多个跨平台移动框架. Dmitry在跨平台和本地开发方面的知识使他具有独特的能力,可以执行所有工作并为多个平台创建功能齐全的应用程序.


iwinBACK Sales Inc.
Android,移动应用开发,sdk, Firebase, iOS, Kotlin, Swift, PHP...
Bean Counter Bookkeeping PS LLC
React, React Native, Amazon Web Services, NestJS, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)...
WebRTC, React Native, FMOD, Stripe, Twilio, OpenTok, Firebase, Storybook, Redux...




Preferred Environment

Android Studio, Xcode, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), WebStorm

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Mobile Developer

2022 - 2023
iwinBACK Sales Inc.
  • 完成Android、iOS、Web SDK的推送通知实现.
  • Implemented push notification analytics and event logging.
  • 强制从CSV文件和外部Firebase项目中自动导入用户.
Technologies: Android,移动应用开发,sdk, Firebase, iOS, Kotlin, Swift, PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Vue, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

React/React Native Developer

2022 - 2022
Bean Counter Bookkeeping PS LLC
  • Built a Node.js后端与一个REST API,服务于移动和web应用程序.
  • Developed a web application for users registration.
  • 创建了一个React Native应用程序,允许用户通过文本消息共享文档和通信.
Technologies: React, React Native, Amazon Web Services, NestJS, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), TypeORM, Git, SQL

Software Engineer

2020 - 2022
  • 为iOS和Android开发了一个在线教练课程的移动应用程序.
  • Implemented the video call functionality, which includes handling incoming push and VoIP notifications, 管理音频和视频流订阅和播放多个音频和视频流.
  • 开发了一个灵活的体系结构,能够使用各种RTC提供者并在它们之间动态切换.
  • Integrated Stripe to manage subscriptions and user donations.
Technologies: WebRTC, React Native, FMOD, Stripe, Twilio, OpenTok, Firebase, Storybook, Redux, REST, REST APIs, Mobile Development, Architecture, Redux-Saga, Git, Continuous Integration (CI), Rx, Fastlane, ESLint, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

Lead React and Node.js Engineer

2019 - 2020
Highlighter, Inс.
  • Developed a Node.使用GraphQL API服务于移动和web应用程序.
  • Developed a social mobile application using React Native.
  • 实现了一个在多个web应用程序之间共享的web组件库.
技术:移动应用开发,Google Cloud, Firebase, Express.js, JavaScript, React, TypeScript, Cloud Firestore, GraphQL, React Native, Node.js, Full-stack, Back-end, Storybook, Redux, REST, CSS, HTML, REST APIs, Mobile Development, Architecture, Docker, Redux-Saga, Git, Firebase Web SDK, Continuous Integration (CI), Fastlane, ESLint

Senior Full-stack Developer

2018 - 2019
Smart Yields, Inc.
  • 使用React和React Native为农民开发移动和web农业应用程序.
  • Developed a Node.js后端与一个REST API,服务于移动和web应用程序.
  • 实现了一个谷歌地图覆盖显示传感器数据(温度), humidity, soil moisture, and so on) on the map using a D3.js library.
  • 为移动和web应用程序实现iOS、Android和Stripe订阅计费.
Technologies: Mobile App Development, Express.js, MongoDB, D3.js, JavaScript, React, Google Maps API, Amazon DynamoDB, Twilio, Stripe, Google Maps, Amazon Web Services (AWS), React Native, Node.js, Full-stack, Back-end, PostgreSQL, Storybook, MERN Stack, Redux, REST, CSS, HTML, REST APIs, Mobile Development, Architecture, Redux-Saga, Redis, Git, Continuous Integration (CI), Fastlane, ESLint

React Native Developer

2018 - 2018
Capital Hill Management, Inc.
  • Developed an online shopping application for iOS and Android.
  • 使用OpenTok SDK实现音频和视频通话功能.
  • 实现了使用文本消息进行点对点通信的在线聊天功能.
Technologies: Mobile App Development, JavaScript, React, OpenTok, GraphQL, React Native, Redux, REST, REST APIs, Mobile Development, Architecture, Redux-Saga, Git

Unity Software Engineer

2017 - 2018
Signal Studios, LLC
  • Worked on Call of Guardians (MOBA Unity game) for iOS and Android.
  • 整合Facebook, Tapdaq, Kochava, Helpshift和Google Play Games Unity插件.
  • 为Unity配置Gradle构建系统,以解决Android上的各种插件冲突.
  • Configured a Jenkins autobuild for iOS and Android platforms.
  • 在GameSparks平台上整合社交网络和应用内购买功能.
Technologies: Mobile App Development, Unity3D, Jenkins, JavaScript, C#, GameSparks, Mobile Development, Continuous Integration (CI), Rx, Fastlane

Software Engineer

2015 - 2017
Arello Mobile
  • Developed Pushwoosh native SDKs for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.
  • 为Cordova, Titanium, Trigger构建Pushwoosh跨平台插件.io, Xamarin, Unity, Adobe Air, Marmalade, and Corona.
  • Created Pushwoosh plugins for React Native and Unreal Engine.
  • 现代化的持续集成,实现了npm、NuGet和GitHub的自动发布.
  • 在GitHub上与用户沟通,帮助解决问题,提供更好的支持.
Technologies: Mobile App Development, Unity3D, Jenkins, JavaScript, C++, Objective-C, Java, C#, Unity, React Native, iOS, Android, REST, REST APIs, Mobile Development, Architecture, SDKs, Plugins, Android SDK, Git, Continuous Integration (CI), JNI, Gradle, Concurrent Programming, Rx, Unix Shell Scripting, Swift, Kotlin, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

Software Engineer

2014 - 2015
HD Soft
  • 为stb(机顶盒)开发中间件和平台特定工具.
  • 实现了DOCSIS机顶网关客户端的DCD(下行通道描述符)处理模块.
  • 将现有软件移植到不同的架构和硬件版本.
Technologies: C++, MPEG, Embedded Linux, SDKs, Git, Continuous Integration (CI), Concurrent Programming, Unix Shell Scripting

Software Engineer

2012 - 2013
  • 为forward - t视频制作和广播自动化软件开发3d渲染模块.
  • 对现有开源3d渲染引擎与Forward-T的整合进行研究.
  • Received a master's degree in physics and computer engineering.
技术:c++, Blender, COM, OpenGL, Git,并发编程

Software Development Intern

2011 - 2013
  • Developed the Intel C++ Compiler vectorization module.
  • Improved data-dependency analysis for loop optimizations.
  • 开发基准来评估不同架构上矢量化的效率.
  • 执行回归测试,以验证使用Intel c++ Compiler优化的软件质量和代码性能.
技术:c++, SIMD,并发编程,Unix Shell脚本

Actio App
Actio is a React Native application for online coaching. 我以移动应用程序开发人员的身份加入了Actio团队,负责视频通话功能, which included incoming call handling, video stream rendering, and playing audio, such as remote audio and background music.

Highlighter App


我对这个项目的贡献包括为所有可能的设备和平台开发客户端sdk,从桌面(Windows, macOS) to mobile (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, 支持各种跨平台框架和游戏引擎.

Intel C++ Compiler

Intel c++编译器是一种高性能开发工具,旨在生成非常快速和高效的二进制文件.
我加入了Intel c++矢量化团队,致力于依赖性分析算法的改进.


C++, Objective-C, Java, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, CSS, GraphQL, C#, TypeScript, Swift, Kotlin, C, Python, PHP


Express.js, JNI, React Native, Unity3D, Unity, Android SDK, Redux, Rx, NestJS, Laravel


Redux-Saga, Firebase Web SDK, React, Node.js, D3.. js, Stripe,谷歌地图API, REST API, OpenGL,谷歌地图,WebRTC, FMOD, Vue


Jenkins, Gradle, Git, Fastlane, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Blender, GameSparks, Appcelerator Titanium




Firebase, iOS, Android,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Docker,嵌入式Linux, OpenTok, Twilio


MongoDB, Amazon DynamoDB, Cloud Firestore, Redis, MySQL, Google Cloud, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)


ESLint, Unix Shell Scripting, SDKs, Mobile App Development, Plugins, APIs, Back-end, Storybook, MERN Stack, Full-stack, Architecture, TypeORM, User Experience (UX), SIMD, COM, MPEG

2007 - 2013

Master's Degree in Physics and Computer Engineering

Novosibirsk State University - Novosibirsk, Russia