Joanna Patrzyk, Developer in Kraków, Poland
Joanna is available for hire
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Joanna Patrzyk

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Kraków, Poland
Toptal Member Since
November 29, 2019

乔安娜是一名软件工程师,在编程方面有八年多的经验. 她擅长构建全栈JavaScript解决方案,包括Node.js, TypeScript, React, and React Native. Joanna在构建高质量的web、移动和PWA应用程序方面非常熟练.


Software Mansion
i18n, PostgreSQL, Jest, Redux, Git, Unix, Relay, GraphQL, Phoenix, Elixir...
Branchspace (via Software Mansion)
Branchspace (via Software Mansion)




Preferred Environment

IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm, Git, MacOS

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer and Team Lead

2017 - 2019
Software Mansion
  • 为一家创业公司的客户在一个社区杠杆式求职平台工作. 我领导了一个小型远程团队,将一个移动应用从Android重写为React Native.
  • Collaborated on a React Native eCommerce boutique app. I guided the team during the migration to TypeScript. 我还修复并重新设计了Android的构建配置.
  • 在一个内部项目中使用Elixir作为后端(Phoenix)开发全栈特性, Ecto, Absinthe and PostgreSQL), serving GraphQL API, and React with a Relay front end. 该系统在内部用于员工和项目管理以及时间跟踪.
  • 协助招聘流程并进行技术面试.
  • Conducted workshops about React Native and Expo.
Technologies: i18n, PostgreSQL, Jest, Redux, Git, Unix, Relay, GraphQL, Phoenix, Elixir, Spring, Java, Expo, React Native, React, TypeScript, JavaScript

Senior Software Developer and Front-end Team Lead

2017 - 2018
Branchspace (via Software Mansion)
  • 作为敏捷团队的一员,参与为航空公司和旅游业开发高度可定制的数字平台.
  • Led the front-end team, set up and maintained our React apps.
  • 在后端工作(Java 8, Spring),开发REST API.
  • 集成了Redis会话管理,大大提高了系统的可扩展性.
Technologies: 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、材料设计、Redux-Saga、i18n、Java、Jest, JavaScript, Git, Unix, Jenkins, Redis, MongoDB, Spring, Java 8, Webpack, Sass, Redux, React

Senior Software Developer

2016 - 2017
Branchspace (via Software Mansion)
  • 在一个小型敏捷团队工作,为航空和旅游行业的公司数据管理开发CRUD应用程序, using Shibboleth for Single Sign-On.
  • Focused on the front-end development of a React app, and helped on the back end using Java, Spring, and Hibernate.
Technologies: 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、材料设计、Redux-Saga、i18n、Java、Jest, JavaScript, Redux, Git, Unix, Jenkins, Shibboleth, Oracle Database, Hibernate, Spring, Java 8, Sass, MUI (Material UI), React

Senior Software Engineer

2015 - 2017
Software Mansion
  • Worked for a variety of clients, primarily using React, Node.js, Java, and Android SDK.
  • 利用CanJS和Node协助开发一个可嵌入的web聊天小部件.js.
  • Developed projects in several different business domains, including the airline and travel industry, home automation, and product and campaign management.
Technologies: JavaScript, Git, Unix, Java, Node.js, CanJS, React

Android Developer

2016 - 2016
Node1 (via Software Mansion)
  • 为家庭自动化构建了一个简单的原生Android应用程序,包括与Uber API的集成.
Technologies: Java, Git, RxJava, Kotlin, Android SDK

Software Engineer

2015 - 2016
Node1 (via Software Mansion)
  • Developed and deployed (Heroku) a Node.js middleware service for order management. 目标是公开一个SOAP API,为来自MySQL数据库的数据和从Amazon S3导入的XLS文件提供服务.
技术:JavaScript, Git, Unix, Heroku, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), SOAP, Sequelize, MySQL, Node.js

Contract Software Developer

2015 - 2015
Sabre Corporation
  • 在一个大型团队中担任全栈工程师,为航空公司和旅游业开发可配置在线预订引擎.
  • 使用JavaScript开发全栈特性,如布局, HTML, and CSS with Ajax on the front end and Java 7, Spring, Hibernate, and SOAP on the back end.
  • 支持测试自动化团队维护和修复测试场景.
  • Resolved defects.
技术:i18n, Java, Git, YUI, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SOAP, Hibernate, Spring, Java 7

Software Engineer

2014 - 2015
Software Mansion
  • 在一个小型敏捷团队工作,开发一款原生Android应用,帮助人们在当地活动中进行社交.
  • 建立了一个原生Android应用程序,允许用户与朋友一起运动, participate in local sports events, and challenge each other.
技术:Git, Unix, Facebook SDK, Robospice, Retrofit, Socket.IO, Google Maps API, Java, Android SDK

Web Developer and Industrial Automation Engineer

2011 - 2014
Termo Automatyka S. C.
  • Designed and rebuilt from scratch the company's website. 增加关键字,内容和元数据,大大提高了其SEO排名.
  • 建立了燃油软管热成型机的控制系统.
  • Cabled the control cabinets, programmed the PLCs, performed on-site validation tests, wrote documentation, and helped in after-sales service.
技术:JavaScript,电气工程,梯形逻辑,PLC, jQuery, MySQL, PHP, CSS, HTML

Electron and PWA Puzzle Game
目标是构建一个演示应用程序——一个可以作为桌面应用程序安装的益智游戏, and also available as a web app (specifically a PWA). The web app was implemented in React and TypeScript. 桌面版本是一个封装React应用的Electron应用. 此外,web应用程序是一个完全成熟的PWA(渐进式web应用程序)。. 作为一款PWA,它可以安装在用户的主屏幕上,而不需要应用商店.

Mobile Boutique App

The app was written in React Native and TypeScript. 我们的团队开发了一个单一的代码库,我们能够发布几个品牌的应用程序, with different styles, translated into different languages, and aimed at different markets. 在这个项目中最大的挑战是维护配置,以便应用程序可以很容易地从一个共享的代码库发布到不同的品牌.

Highly Customizable eCommerce Platform for Travel Industry

该项目是一个全栈web应用程序,前端是React,后端是Java 8和Spring. 我们的团队建立了一个电子商务平台,交付给企业客户,并可供消费者使用,可以根据两者的需求进行定制. Developing only a single codebase, 我们能够构建具有不同风格和业务模型的应用程序. Our team paid particular attention to security, 根据OWASP关于web应用程序开发的最佳实践和标准.

Internal ERP with Elixir and GraphQL

我们的主要目标是使用Elixir和Phoenix Framework开发一个产品质量的应用程序, serving a GraphQL API on the back end, and React with Relay on the front end. 我能够通过Phoenix充分探索Elixir语言的优点和缺点, Absynthe, and Ecto frameworks. 我学到了很多关于GraphQL API的知识——从前端和后端两个角度来看,它的优点和缺点.

Android App for Home Automation

The app was written in Kotlin, using Dagger2 for dependency injection, RxJava, Retrofit for data fetching, and Google Location and Maps API. 该应用程序与一个REST API进行通信,该API为来自恒温器的家庭自动化数据提供服务.g.,当前温度,或根据计划当前设置的温度. 目的是演示一个家庭自动化应用程序的可能用例,该应用程序可以实时监控和配置智能恒温器.


JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, Java 8, GraphQL, HTML, Sass, Kotlin, Java, Java 7, PHP, Elixir


React Native, Redux, Spring 4, Android SDK, Jest, Electron, Spring, CanJS, MUI (Material UI), Hibernate, Angular, Phoenix, Relay


React, Node.js, Redux-Saga, Google Maps API, Socket.IO, Retrofit, Robospice, Facebook SDK, RxJava, YUI, RxJS, jQuery, MobX


Yarn Workspaces, Knex.js, Sequelize, Webpack, Git, WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, Expo, Jenkins, Shibboleth, Firebase Analytics, React Apollo


Functional Programming, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Asynchronous Programming, Concurrent Programming, Continuous Integration (CI)




样式元件,i18n, SOAP, PLC,梯形逻辑,电气工程,材料设计


Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis

2013 - 2014

Master of Science Degree in Computer Science

AGH University of Science and Technology - Cracow, Poland

2008 - 2013

Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science

AGH University of Science and Technology - Cracow, Poland