Muhammad Ammar Ilyas,巴基斯坦旁遮普拉合尔的开发商
Muhammad is available for hire
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Muhammad Ammar Ilyas

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Toptal Member Since
July 14, 2021

Ammar是一个多才多艺的全栈开发人员,在WordPress主题和插件方面拥有超过10年的经验,擅长WooCommerce和Shopify的电子商务解决方案. He's skilled in React, Next.js和无代码技术,如, Webflow, Airtable, and Typedream. Ammar的作品,在ThemeForest和WordPress上有特色.Org,包括全球代理项目和创新产品发布.


Market Leads Limited
WordPress, React, WordPress插件,Figma, Headless软件...
Course Reader Material, LLC
api, WooCommerce, WordPress, Full-stack, Figma, Verification...
Anastasiia Pasichnyk
Shopify, JavaScript, Node.js, PayPal,会员网站,响应...




Preferred Environment

Amazon S3 (AWS S3), GitHub, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Vultr, GoDaddy, HostGator, Bluehost, WP Engine, Bedrock, Agile Sprints

The most amazing...

...我开发的项目叫做quickx. 这是智利和委内瑞拉之间的汇款平台.

Work Experience

WordPress Developer

2023 - 2023
Market Leads Limited
  • 开发了一个带有交互式动画的React应用程序.
  • 设置Redux Store来管理遗嘱的状态管理.
  • 创建了一个后端模式,用于构建和存储遗嘱、个人和监护人的数据.
  • 创建WordPress自定义端点来创建、更新和删除遗嘱.
  • 整合WooCommerce下单后的付款方式和下载遗嘱.
Technologies: WordPress, React, WordPress插件,Figma, Headless软件, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), ACF PRO, PHP, WooCommerce, WooCommerce API, REST APIs, WordPress REST API, Typedream, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Front-end Development, GravityView, Workflow, Theme Customization, WP All Import, Drupal 7, Dashboards

Full-stack and WooCommerce Developer

2023 - 2023
Course Reader Material, LLC
  • 构思并设计了全面的项目流程和系统架构, 确保无缝的功能和用户体验.
  • Led a dynamic team of five members, 促进合作,确保按时完成项目里程碑.
  • 与WooCommerce集成了Vital Source API,以增强产品供应和自动化数字交付.
  • 设计了一个系统来自动创建可变WooCommerce产品,以响应来自Vital Source的数据, ensuring a dynamic product range.
  • 重新设计了标准的WooCommerce流程,以更好地适应项目的需求,并改善整体用户导航.
  • 率先整合支付网关, 确保为客户提供安全高效的交易处理.
Technologies: api, WooCommerce, WordPress, Full-stack, Figma, Verification, User Authentication, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), React, Elementor, Stripe, PayPal API, Google Analytics 4, Scripting, Pixel Perfect, Web UI, ColibriWP, Responsive UI, eCommerce Development, WPML, Bubble, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Front-end Development, Page Speed Optimization, GravityView, Workflow, Drupal, WP All Import, Drupal 7, Contentful, Dashboards

Shopify Developer

2023 - 2023
Anastasiia Pasichnyk
  • 在购物车页面上集成PayPal智能按钮,并编写了一个自定义函数,以获取购物车的所有产品详细信息,以传递PayPal智能按钮价格.
  • 构建一个自定义应用程序,在通过PayPal智能按钮成功付款后在Shopify上创建订单.
  • 创建了一个自定义的感谢模板和联系表单,并在下订单后添加了对该页面的重定向.
技术:Shopify, JavaScript, Node.js, PayPal,会员网站,响应, Mobile Design, Subscriptions, Figma to Shopify, Pixel Perfect, Web UI, ColibriWP, Responsive UI, Mobile eCommerce, eCommerce Development, WPML, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Front-end Development, Page Speed Optimization, Liquid Template, GravityView, Workflow, Web Scalability, Drupal, WP All Import, Drupal 7, Contentful, Dashboards

WordPress Developer

2023 - 2023
Irrational Labs S Corp
  • 通过进行彻底的代码分析和故障排除,解决复杂的重力表单问题. 实现了有效的解决方案,提高了表单提交的准确性并改善了用户体验.
  • 使用JavaScript和PHP实现自定义表单验证和条件逻辑增强. 改进数据验证并创建个性化表单交互,提高用户参与度.
  • 通过服务器端优化和高效的数据库查询,优化了表单提交和数据处理过程. 更快地提交表单,减少服务器负载,从而提高性能.
Technologies: Gravity Forms, WordPress, Training, Membership Sites, Responsive, Mobile Design, Subscriptions, Figma to Shopify, No-code Development, Zoho, Zoho CRM, Zoho API, Google Analytics 4, Scripting, Pixel Perfect, Web UI, Responsive UI, Mobile eCommerce, eCommerce Development, WPML, Front-end Development, Page Speed Optimization, Web Scalability, Drupal, WP All Import, Dashboards

WordPress Developer

2023 - 2023
Microblink LLC
  • 使用现代网络技术设计和开发一个响应性和视觉吸引力的网站, 用户粘性增加了30%,跳出率降低了20%.
  • 实现了一个直观的用户界面,无缝导航和优化加载速度, 导致页面加载时间减少40%,平均会话持续时间增加15%.
  • 实施有效的搜索引擎优化(SEO)策略, 在网站发布后的三个月内,自然流量增加50%,相关关键词在搜索引擎结果页面上排名第一.
  • 在多个设备和浏览器上对网站进行严格的测试和质量保证检查, 保证无bug的体验,并根据用户反馈达到95%的客户满意度.
Technologies: WordPress, HTML, CSS, HubSpot, Tailwind CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, React, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), ACF PRO, Notion, Alpine.js, jQuery, Training, Membership Sites, Responsive, Mobile Design, Subscriptions, Bubble, Pixel Perfect, Web UI, Responsive UI, Mobile eCommerce, WPML, Typedream, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Front-end Development, Page Speed Optimization, Themify, Web Scalability, Contentful, Dashboards


2022 - 2022
Superior Cannabis Company, LLC
  • 开发了一个插件作为WooCommerce的附加组件,以添加Square Loyalty API.
  • 实现了Square Loyalty API,允许用户在结帐时兑换忠诚度积分,并获得Square平台上创建的折扣.
  • 将多WordPress网站转换为标准WordPress网站并部署到主服务器.
Technologies: WordPress, PHP, WooCommerce, WordPress Plugins, REST APIs, Square, Square API, Back-end, Front-end, API Integration, UI Design, GitHub, Oxygen, Performance, Hosting, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Zapier, Lando, Tailwind CSS, React, Next.js, Node.js,技术领导,PostgreSQL, Alpine.js, Training, Git, Membership Sites, Responsive, Mobile Design, Subscriptions, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pixel Perfect, Web UI, Responsive UI, Mobile eCommerce, eCommerce Development, WPML, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Front-end Development, Themify, Contentful

SEO Developer

2022 - 2022
New Ventures West, LLC
  • 使用Semrush工具跟踪所有问题、警告和通知.
  • 修复了不同网站模块上的所有问题,提高了SEO得分.
  • 优化了网站的速度,并修复了所有与seo相关的bug,包括最终结果.
Technologies: Google SEO, HTML, Search, SEO Tools, Data Migration, Semrush, Custom Post Types, Back-end, Front-end, API Integration, UI Design, GitHub, Oxygen, Performance, Hosting, CSS3, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Zapier, Lando, Tailwind CSS, React, Node.js, Technical Leadership, PostgreSQL, Mobile First, Git, Responsive, No-code Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pixel Perfect, MERN Stack, Web UI, Responsive UI, Mobile eCommerce, eCommerce Development, WPML, Typedream, Front-end Development, Themify, Web Scalability, Dashboards, DevOps

Senior WordPress Developer

2021 - 2022
Blacktail NYC
  • 为不同的内容类型设计了自定义帖子类型和自定义字段.
  • 构建响应和seo准备屏幕和布局.
  • 创建自定义api,从Amazon中抓取产品和项目.
Technologies: ACF PRO, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), GeneratePress, NGINX, W3 Total Cache, FastCGI, Custom Post Types, Landing Pages, Web Scraping, REST, Gutenberg Editor, Back-end, Front-end, Integration, SEO Tools, API Integration, Single Sign-on (SSO), Back-end Architecture, Design, Responsive Design, Web Design, UI Design, GitHub, Oxygen, Performance, PHP, Hosting, CSV File Processing, CSS3, CSS3 Animation, Adobe Experience Design (XD), WP-CLI, Zapier, LAMP, Plugin Development, Google AdSense, Lando, Tailwind CSS, React, Node.js,技术领导,PostgreSQL, Alpine.js, Mobile First, Git,, Responsive, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pixel Perfect, MERN Stack, Web UI, Responsive UI, Mobile eCommerce, eCommerce Development, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Customer Portals, Web Scalability, Theme Customization, DevOps

WordPress PHP Developer

2021 - 2022
  • 使用Bedrock, Composer和Dockers作为工具开发不同的网站.
  • 为100多个网站的维护提供WordPress技术支持, improving their SEO, 并通过自定义主题添加新功能.
  • 在不同的sprint和董事会中工作,该公司使用敏捷框架来管理他们的项目,并使用Slack进行沟通.
  • 使用BackstopJS进行回归测试进行调试.
Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP, WordPress, Agile, Jira, Bedrock, Docker, Terminal, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Atlassian, Google SEO, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Agile Sprints, XD to HTML, Twig, Composer, YARN, NPM, BackstopJS, Custom Themes, Plugins, Bootstrap, Data Migration, SQL, Stripe, FedEx API, NGINX, W3 Total Cache, FastCGI, Custom Post Types, Sage WordPress Theme, Landing Pages, Web Scraping, REST, User Experience (UX), Gutenberg Editor, Back-end, Front-end, Integration, SEO Tools, Payment APIs, API Integration, Single Sign-on (SSO), Design, Google Shopping, Responsive Design, UI Design, GitHub, Oxygen, Performance, Hosting, CSV File Processing, HTML5, CSS3, CSS3 Animation, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Zapier, Plugin Development, SSL Configurations, Google AdSense, Tailwind CSS, React, Next.js, PostgreSQL, Headless Commerce, Mobile First, Git, Responsive, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pixel Perfect, MERN Stack, Web UI, Responsive UI, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Customer Portals, Web Scalability, Theme Customization

Senior WordPress Developer

2020 - 2022
  • 为不同的细分市场设计和开发博客,并将其部署到AWS服务器.
  • 使用最佳SEO实践开发自定义主题,并关注页面速度.
  • 为每个博客和网站创建适当的模式标记,以便用户可以在谷歌搜索网站时看到适当的结构.
  • 开发自定义刮板和SEO插件之间的博客页面的相互链接.
Technologies: WordPress, WordPress API, Blog Design, Google SEO, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Star Schema, Site Speed Optimization, ZURB Foundation 2, Headless WordPress, Gatsby, WordPress Plugins, WooCommerce, WooCommerce API, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), ACF PRO, Technical Support, Beaver Builder, Content Marketing Platforms, Yoast SEO, WordPress Themes, Web Development, Figma, WordPress Design, Agile Sprints, Bootstrap, Agile Workflow, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Slack, REST APIs, GeneratePress, Data Migration, SQL, Stripe, Caching, NGINX, W3 Total Cache, LearnDash, FastCGI, Custom Post Types, Sage WordPress Theme, Landing Pages, Web Scraping, REST, Front-end, Webflow CMS, Integration, Payment APIs, eCommerce, Squarespace, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Design, Google Shopping, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Responsive Design, GitHub, PHP, Hosting, CSV File Processing, Jamstack, HTML5, CSS3 Animation, Adobe Experience Design (XD), WP-CLI, Zapier, Plugin Development, SSL Configurations, Google AdSense, React, Next.js, Git, Responsive, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Pixel Perfect, MERN Stack, Web UI, Scrum, Customer Portals, Theme Customization

Full-stack WordPress Developer

2015 - 2020
WP Square
  • 设计高级WordPress主题和插件的UI.
  • 开发高级WordPress主题和插件,并将其上传到ThemeForest和
  • 为ThemeForest和WordPress的高级主题和插件提供技术支持.org.
  • 管理由8名开发人员和2名设计人员组成的团队,为Holonis提供大规模的网络和移动应用程序, a social networking company.
  • 担任ThemeFusion提供的Avada主题的二级支持专家.
Technologies: PHP, MySQL, PSD to HTML, WordPress, WordPress API, PSD to WordPress, Elementor, Plugins, JavaScript, React, Full-stack, Site Speed Optimization, Google SEO, Google Analytics, Content Management Systems (CMS), Domains & Hosting, Tailwind CSS, SaaS, Less, Material UI, ZURB Foundation 2, Headless WordPress, WordPress Plugins, WooCommerce, WooCommerce API, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), ACF PRO, Divi, Technical Support, Beaver Builder, Content Marketing Platforms, Yoast SEO, WordPress Themes, Web Development, Avada, Databases, WooCommerce Subscriptions 2, Agile Sprints, Jira, Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, Bootstrap, Agile Workflow, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Slack, REST APIs, Project Management, Headless Software, Netlify, GeneratePress, Data Migration, Stripe, FedEx API, Caching, NGINX, W3 Total Cache, LearnDash, Custom Post Types, Front-end, Webflow CMS, Payment APIs, eCommerce, Shopify, PSD to Shopify, Shopify Theme, Shopify Payments, Shopify Design, Shopify Customizations, Shopify API, Shopify Plus, GraphQL, User Experience (UX), Webflow, UI Animation, Responsive Web Design (RWD), User Interface (UI), Design, Liquid, GitHub, Hosting, Jamstack, HTML5, CSS3 Animation, Adobe Experience Design (XD), WP-CLI, Zapier, UX Design, Branding, Plugin Development, SSL Configurations, Lando, Responsive, Umbraco, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), NetSuite API, NetSuite, Pixel Perfect, MERN Stack, Web UI, Responsive UI, Typedream, Liquid Template, Scrum, WiX, Customer Portals, Theme Customization, Web Security

WordPress Developer and Designer

2012 - 2020
  • 为全球各地的机构设计不同的网站和插件.
  • 开发WordPress网站和插件,并将其部署到各种环境中.
  • 为新的更新和版本提供技术支持和错误修复.
Technologies: PHP, WordPress, JavaScript, PSD to WordPress, WordPress API, HTML, React, Bootstrap, SCSS, Full-stack, Tailwind CSS, SaaS, Less, Material UI, ZURB Foundation 2, Headless WordPress, Gatsby, WordPress Plugins, WooCommerce, WooCommerce API, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), ACF PRO, Divi, Beaver Builder, Content Marketing Platforms, Yoast SEO, WordPress Themes, Web Development, Figma, Twig, NPM, Yarn Workspaces, Bedrock, Docker, Timber, Sass, DigitalOcean, Gulp, Avada, Agile Sprints, Jira, Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, Agile Workflow, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Slack, REST APIs, GeneratePress, Data Migration, Stripe, FedEx API, Caching, NGINX, LearnDash, Custom Post Types, Webflow CMS, eCommerce, Shopify, PSD to Shopify, Shopify Theme, Shopify Payments, Shopify Design, Shopify Customizations, Shopify API, Shopify Plus, User Experience (UX), Webflow, UI Animation, Responsive Web Design (RWD), User Interface (UI), cPanel, Liquid, GitHub, Hosting, Jamstack, HTML5, Adobe Experience Design (XD), UX Design, Branding, SSL Configurations, Lando, Next.js, Responsive, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), NetSuite API, NetSuite, Pixel Perfect, Web UI, Responsive UI, Scrum, WiX, Customer Portals, Theme Customization, Web Security

Web Designer and Front-end Developer

2013 - 2015
Sigma Square
  • 为机构、网上商店和个人作品集设计网站.
  • 开发和发布WordPress和静态网站.
  • 维护网站并负责更新时的bug修复.
  • 管理一个由四名开发者组成的团队,在ThemeForest上开发和发布高级主题和插件.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, SCSS, Photoshop CC, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Bluehost, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), GoDaddy, WordPress, Full-stack, Google SEO, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Content Management Systems (CMS), Domains & Hosting, Tailwind CSS, SaaS, Less, Material UI, ZURB Foundation 2, Headless WordPress, WordPress Plugins, WooCommerce, WooCommerce API, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), ACF PRO, Divi, Technical Support, Content Marketing Platforms, Beaver Builder, Yoast SEO, WordPress Themes, Web Development, Avada, WooCommerce Subscriptions 2, Agile Sprints, Jira, Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, Agile Workflow, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Slack, REST APIs, Project Management, GeneratePress, Data Migration, FedEx API, Caching, NGINX, Custom Post Types, Shopify, PSD to Shopify, Shopify Theme, Shopify Payments, Shopify Design, Shopify Customizations, Shopify API, Shopify Plus, User Experience (UX), Webflow, UI Animation, User Interface (UI), cPanel, GitHub, Hosting, HTML5, Adobe Experience Design (XD), UX Design, Branding, Lando, Responsive, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), NetSuite API, NetSuite, Responsive UI, Liquid Template, Scrum, WiX, Customer Portals, Theme Customization

Microblink.Com是一个动态和创新的web应用程序,为用户提供尖端的扫描和数据提取解决方案. As a full-stack developer, 我在开发这款应用的过程中发挥了关键作用, 利用现代技术创造无缝和高效的用户体验. 从设计直观的用户界面到实现健壮的后端功能, 我为这款应用的成功做出了贡献,它提供了准确、快速的数据扫描和提取功能. 专注于用户满意度和先进的技术集成,Microblink.Com应用程序为企业和个人带来了革命性的数据处理.

Xecutors.com是一个使用Next开发的web应用程序.js and Tailwind CSS. 它将个人和组织与各行各业熟练的专业人员联系起来, 简化聘请项目专家的过程. 具有用户友好的界面,快速的性能和响应式设计,执行器.Com在任何设备上提供无缝体验. Users can create accounts, showcase their expertise, 并通过高级搜索和过滤找到相关的专业人士. 该平台具有安全的消息传递和集成的支付功能,可实现顺畅的通信和交易. Overall, exemplifies the power of Next.js和顺风CSS创建了一个现代高效的平台,将客户与有才华的专业人士联系起来.

Quick Express Money Transfer
一个基于wordpress的用于转账的web应用程序. 我是这个项目的全栈开发人员. 我的职责是将所有设计好的屏幕转换为响应式前端布局. Later on, 我创建了完整的后端逻辑,并集成了各种支付和加密货币api.

Quikipay是由Quickex提供支持的在线支付网关, 在那里我为Quikipay开发了一个WooCommerce插件,并在插件中集成了不同的加密货币和支付api. 此外,我还设计和开发了他们的介绍性网站.



HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, Liquid Template, Less, Timber, Sass, SQL, GraphQL, C++


Bootstrap,顺风CSS, Material UI, ZURB Foundation 2, div, Next.. js、Bedrock、Twig、规模化敏捷框架(SAFe)、YARN


WordPress API, React, WordPress REST API, jQuery, WooCommerce API, REST APIs, Stripe, FedEx API, Shopify API, Google AdSense,, Liquid, Node.NetSuite API, Square API, PayPal API, Zoho API


GitHub, Photoshop CC, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), ACF PRO, Figma, Jira, Slack, WP-CLI, NGINX, Gutenberg Editor, Shopify Plus, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Zapier, Lando, Themify, WP All Import, Vultr, Google Analytics, Yarn Workspaces, NPM, Gulp, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, LearnDash, Notion, Bubble, WPML, Typedream, GravityView, WiX, cURL Command Line Tool, Git, Terminal, Atlassian, Composer, BackstopJS, Vagrant


Agile Workflow, REST, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Hosting, Responsive, Mobile Design, Back-end Architecture, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), UI Design, Jamstack, UX Design, Scrum, Agile, DevOps


WordPress, WooCommerce, Webflow CMS, Shopify, Webflow, cPanel, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Contentful, Docker, DigitalOcean, Netlify, Klaviyo, LAMP, Drupal, Drupal 7, Bluehost, Firebase, Umbraco, Zoho CRM

Industry Expertise

Project Management, Web Design


GoDaddy, HostGator, Programming, PSD to HTML, PSD to WordPress, Elementor, APIs, Site Speed Optimization, Google SEO, Blog Design, Star Schema, Content Management Systems (CMS), Domains & Hosting, Headless WordPress, Gatsby, WordPress Plugins, Technical Support, Beaver Builder, Yoast SEO, WordPress Themes, Web Development, Avada, Education, Healthcare Services, Training, WooCommerce Subscriptions 2, WordPress Design, Agile Sprints, Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, Full-stack, GeneratePress, SEO Tools, Caching, W3 Total Cache, FastCGI, Custom Post Types, Sage WordPress Theme, Landing Pages, Web Scraping, Back-end, Front-end, Integration, Payment APIs, eCommerce, API Integration, Single Sign-on (SSO), PSD to Shopify, Shopify Theme, Shopify Payments, Shopify Design, Shopify Customizations, Mobile First, Responsive Design, User Experience (UX), UI Animation, User Interface (UI), Design, Oxygen, CSV File Processing, CSS3 Animation, Plugin Development, SSL Configurations, Content Marketing Platforms, Alpine.js, Membership Sites, Figma to Shopify, Pixel Perfect, Web UI, Responsive UI, Mobile eCommerce, eCommerce Development, Front-end Development, Page Speed Optimization, Customer Portals, Web Scalability, Theme Customization, Web Security, Airtable, Google Search Console, SaaS, Headless Software, Data Migration, Squarespace, Google Shopping, HubSpot, Performance, Learning Management Systems (LMS), Branding, Technical Leadership, Subscriptions, No-code Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), NetSuite, Google Analytics 4, MERN Stack, ColibriWP, Workflow, Dashboards, Plugins, Search, XD to HTML, Custom Themes, Semrush, Square, Headless Commerce, PayPal, Verification, User Authentication, Zoho, Scripting


Amazon S3 (AWS S3), WP引擎,MySQL,数据库,PostgreSQL

2008 - 2012



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