Paul E Dawson, Developer in Atlanta, United States
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Paul E Dawson

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Atlanta, United States
Toptal Member Since
October 7, 2022

Paul是一名软件架构师,曾为财富100强公司和初创公司构建平台和解决方案. 他在这三种云环境中都工作过,并不一定要依赖于技术栈,但他会使用最好的工具来完成这项工作. Having worked in many different high-paced environments, Paul can adapt, learn, and apply new technologies at a high level.


JavaScript, Node.js, Azure, Google Cloud, Full-stack Development, React...
Tamarin Health
React, MUI (Material UI), Node.js, Express.js, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, Python 3...
React, Redux, Redux Thunk, HTML5, CSS3, Web安全,API集成,CSS...




Preferred Environment

Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Node.js, React, Docker

The most amazing...

...我已经构建了一个物联网连接的全栈应用程序,与Azure云和Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)完全集成。.

Work Experience

Principal Full-stack Architect

2019 - PRESENT
  • 与政府机构的数据科学家合作构建AI/ML应用程序. 使用Flask, Django和其他API框架在Python中构建API. api将AI/ML引擎/算法集成到UI使用的端点中.
  • 构建了一个集成了Microsoft Azure Active Directory的全栈物联网原生Microsoft Teams应用程序, 使师生能够实时查看数据,并对历史设备数据进行汇总分析. Built on Azure with React and Node.js.
  • 使用React Native为iOS和Android开发了一个离线运行的移动应用程序. 构建了一个同步引擎,允许离线收集的数据与远程Microsoft Dynamics CRM后端进行正确的上下同步.
  • 创建一个自定义JavaScript applet,跟踪用户与路边援助移动web应用程序的交互,并向客户自动化平台发送适当的意图. 这触发了正确的手机提示,引导用户完成整个过程.
  • 使用React和React Native为车辆翻新过程实现移动和web应用程序. 白标签平台允许经销商通过实时跟踪和分析每辆车的每个步骤来优化流程.
  • 创建了一个回扣平台,允许公司向在Instagram上发布关于他们购买的产品的故事的客户提供现金返还. 构建了一个web抓取服务,它是使用AWS、Node平台的基础.js, and React.
  • 与一家大型媒体公司合作,使用React Native开发他们的电视流媒体应用程序. 该应用程序是为tvOS,亚马逊fireTV, Android TV和Roku创建的. 执行适用于所有平台的支付解决方案.
  • 使用React Native构建iOS和Android财务健康应用程序. Used Redux for state management, Redux middleware for app-level side effects, and TypeScript for typings and code quality.
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.. js、Azure、谷歌云、全栈开发、React、Web3.js, Azure IoT Hub, Internet of Things (IoT), Docker, Server Administration, SQL, NoSQL, REST APIs, Agile, HTML5, CSS3, Express.js、Shopify API、API开发、Web安全、API集成、CSS、TypeScript、 .NET, C#, MongoDB, HTML, Amazon Web Services (AWS), React Native, Architecture, Full-stack, Software Architecture, APIs, Dashboards, Python, Cloud Architecture, AWS Cloud Architecture, Redux, Charts, Figma, User Experience (UX), NestJS, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), WebSockets, Jest, Slack API, Slackbot, Virtual DOM, Shopify, REST, Front-end, QA Testing, Cypress, Responsive Web Apps, Storybook, Mobile, Smart Devices, Cross-platform, Mobile Apps, Mobile App Development, Swift, Kotlin, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Amazon RDS, Responsive Web Design (RWD), ECMAScript (ES6), Next.js, MySQL, Flux, Web Development, API Design, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), LocalStorage, Flask, Git, MERN Stack, Back-end, Relational Databases, CI/CD Pipelines, User Interface (UI), OpenAI GPT-4 API, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT)

Senior Architect

2018 - 2019
Tamarin Health
  • 设计、开发和测试前端和后端产品和服务. 使用React, Mobx, Mobx -state-tree (MST), Material UI (MUI), Webpack, Jest和Enzyme.
  • 通过在Azure DevOps中创建自定义构建和部署管道,将前端产品部署到Azure云应用设备上,实现持续集成和部署.
  • 与客户进行演示,展示产品的全部功能, answered all questions, 并在关闭客户使用产品方面发挥了不可或缺的作用.
  • 计划并教授一系列的研讨会,为客户提供培训.
  • 创建、管理和测试安全、可靠和敏捷的后端服务和产品. Utilized Node.js, Express, Sequelize, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Mocha, 和Chai一起构建无状态REST api,为前端产品提供支持.
  • 开发定制模块,以产生适合应用程序确切需求的功能, 包括一个与Sequelize和PostgreSQL集成的搜索模块,可以对表及其关联进行全文搜索.
  • Set up NGINX as a proxy server on the VMs. 使用PM2作为流程管理器,以确保服务始终可用,并在必要时重新启动.
  • 通过创建正确设置每个环境的自定义部署管道,使用Azure DevOps实现持续集成和部署. 安装新的依赖项并重新启动应用程序.
Technologies: React, MUI (Material UI), Node.js, Express.js, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, Python 3, SQL, HTML5, CSS3, API Development, Web Security, API Integration, CSS, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, Architecture, Full-stack, Software Architecture, APIs, Dashboards, GraphQL, Python, Cloud Architecture, Charts, Figma, User Experience (UX), WebSockets, Jest, Virtual DOM, REST APIs, REST, Front-end, QA Testing, Cypress, Responsive Web Apps, Responsive Web Design (RWD), ECMAScript (ES6), Web Development, API Design, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), LocalStorage, Flask, Git, Back-end, Relational Databases, CI/CD Pipelines, User Interface (UI)

Senior Architect

2018 - 2018
  • 用React, Redux Thunk和Webpack架构构建一个网站. 自愿加入构建许多对时间敏感的关键特性和集成的特别团队.
  • 与分布式团队一起工作,以两周的冲刺达到敏捷商店的里程碑. 编写单元和端到端测试,帮助确保高测试覆盖率和代码库的稳定性.
  • 为私有的npm模块开发组件,用来提取可重用的组件.
Technologies: React, Redux, Redux Thunk, HTML5, CSS3, Web安全,API集成,CSS, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, Architecture, Software Architecture, AWS Cloud Architecture, Charts, User Experience (UX), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Jest, Mapbox, Virtual DOM, REST APIs, REST, Front-end, QA Testing, Flux Architecture, Cypress, Responsive Web Apps, Responsive Web Design (RWD), ECMAScript (ES6), Web Development, LocalStorage, Git, User Interface (UI)

Senior Architect

2016 - 2018
Cox Automotive
  • 使用来自不同子公司的数据为高管构建内部web应用程序和工具.
  • 使用仪表板和图表可视化数据,以显示公司的整体健康状况以及使用MongoDB的每个子公司的健康状况, Express, Angular, and Node.js (MEAN).
  • 将整个应用程序重新设计为MEAN堆栈格式. Built new application infrastructure that was scalable, DRY, easy to read, and enabled fast implementation of new features.
  • 使用RESTful API转换的应用,以及使用Restangular消费它的Angular应用.
  • 为高管构建了一个移动应用程序,允许使用React Native实时更新整个公司的事件数据, Objective-C, 和Java来开发完全原生的iOS和Android应用.
  • Maintained and updated previous iOS applications. 领导了基于React Native的iOS和Android应用程序的完全重建和重新设计,其中包含了Flux和Redux架构.
  • Updated Watch iOS companion application to watchOS 3. 更新后端Python Eve API,提供实时更新和发送推送通知.
技术:MongoDB, React, React Native, Angular, Python 3, Node.js, iOS, Android, WatchOS,推送通知,HTML5, CSS3, Cordova, Express.js, API Development, Web Security, API Integration, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Architecture, Full-stack, Software Architecture, APIs, Dashboards, Python, Cloud Architecture, Redux, Charts, User Experience (UX), Jest, Virtual DOM, REST APIs, REST, Front-end, QA Testing, Flux Architecture, Responsive Web Apps, Mobile, Mobile Apps, Mobile App Development, Swift, Kotlin, Responsive Web Design (RWD), MySQL, Web Development, API Design, LocalStorage, Git, MERN Stack, Back-end, User Interface (UI)

Lead Developer

2016 - 2017
  • 使用Angular2和NativeScript以及React Native构建iOS和Android应用程序,为一个基于event的旅游应用程序开发MVP,该应用程序集成了社交账户来个性化旅游推荐.
  • 使用Node为应用程序检索、清理和处理数据的已构建API.js, MongoDB, and Express.js. 实现了Flux和Redux架构来处理数据流.
  • 与一家初创公司的CEO合作,根据需求和设计屏幕构建应用程序.
Technologies: Angular, Node.. js、MongoDB、React Native、NativeScript、HTML5、CSS3、Cordova、Express.js, Web Security, API Integration, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Architecture, Full-stack, Software Architecture, APIs, Cloud Architecture, Charts, REST APIs, Front-end, QA Testing, Flux Architecture, Responsive Web Apps, Web Development, API Design, Git, Back-end, Relational Databases, User Interface (UI)

Software Engineer

2016 - 2016
  • 开发和维护基于云的应用程序微服务套件,通过API端点连接,以实现实时设计, ordering, and production of therapeutic products.
  • 通过Docker容器化,并通过Jenkins管道持续部署和集成到AWS. Using Express.js, Node.js, Angular, Sequelize, and PostgreSQL.
  • Maintained, added new features, integrated, 并使用Jasmine框架为以下微服务编写了API单元测试.
  • Managed multiple microservices. The one handling authentication, 一个运行的邮件队列自动和模板化的电子邮件, 库存微服务可以跟踪所有商品.
  • Built a file-maker microservice that generated PDFs. 它有一个UI,允许用户使用把手创建自定义PDF模板,并有服务端点,使其能够与其他微服务通信.
技术:Angular, Sequelize, Docker, Jenkins, PostgreSQL, Microservices, HTML5, CSS3, Express.js, API Development, Web Security, API Integration, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Architecture, Full-stack, Software Architecture, APIs, Cloud Architecture, AWS Cloud Architecture, Charts, REST APIs, WebSockets, Front-end, Responsive Web Apps, Web Development, API Design, Git, Relational Databases, User Interface (UI)


2014 - 2015
MIT Media Lab
  • 对谷歌Glass应用程序的开发进行了研究,用于增强统计分析. It was the first use case to assist with NBA coaching.
  • Coded a dynamic Node.js脚本抓取统计信息,为Glass应用程序提供数据.
  • Built a Node.js, Express.. js API连接到MongoDB数据库,用于存储和检索本赛季所有比赛的所有NBA球员统计数据.
  • 编写HTML和CSS,创建应用程序结构,直观地展示玩家的表现.
Technologies: Node.js, HTML, CSS, Python 3, Web抓取,HTML5, CSS3, Express.js, API Integration, JavaScript, MongoDB, Architecture, Full-stack, Software Architecture, APIs, Python, Cloud Architecture, AWS Cloud Architecture, REST APIs, Front-end, Web Development, Relational Databases, User Interface (UI)

Farming in The Future

A fully integrated MS Teams application for classrooms. 它使教师们能够展示技术如何迅速改变农业. 该平台是一个全栈物联网集成应用程序,每个学生在农场上都有一个带有几个传感器和一个摄像头的设备. 该应用程序允许学生和教师创建连接设备并实时可视化数据.

它允许教师和学生存储、管理和分析历史数据和趋势. A Raspberry Pi device loaded with Azure IoT Edge, sensors, a camera used on location, 实时传感器和base64图像数据被流式传输到Azure物联网中心.

热路径是通过将数据流保存在Azure Cosmos DB的设备级别来实现的. 基于更新的设备集合触发Azure功能, and the live data was then sent to an API.

The API, built with Node.js and Express.js,然后使用WebSockets将数据转发给订阅的客户端. UI客户端是用React构建的,使用Mobx进行状态管理,使用ReCharts进行制图. UI客户端显示实时流传感器数据和流图像. 它还提供了对每个设备的历史数据的分析.

Applications for Data Scientist

我在许多项目中与数据科学家密切合作,将他们的AI/ML算法/引擎与应用程序工作流集成在一起. 数据科学家通常创建他们的AI/ML算法/引擎, whether it be a zero-shot classification algorithm, topic clustering, batch ranking algorithm, 或者根据组织的数据进行培训的定制聊天机器人. 我与他们密切合作,以了解算法本身以及所需的输入和输出. 我评估了处理时间,并从API和UI的角度设计了处理时间的架构. Once I had a full understanding of the AI/ML engines, 我围绕引擎创建了一个完整的平台(API和UI). api通常是用Python构建的,以便轻松集成AI/ML引擎, while the UIs were built in React. 我甚至通过为客户端集成OpenAI API,使用React构建了一个仅具有AI/ML功能的应用程序. 我对AI/ML有很好的概念理解,并且在这个领域的技术能力也在不断增长,这使得我很容易与数据科学家一起工作和合作.


JavaScript, HTML, CSS, HTML5, CSS3, TypeScript, Python, ECMAScript (ES6), SQL, GraphQL, C, Java, Python 3, C#, Swift, Kotlin


Express.js、Redux、React Native、Jest、Cypress、Flux、Flask、MUI (Material UI)、Angular、NativeScript、 .NET, NestJS, Next.js


Node.js、React、REST API、API开发、LocalStorage、Shopify API、Web3.js, Slack API


Git, Figma, Amazon CloudWatch, Azure IoT Hub, Sequelize, Redux Thunk, Jenkins, Amazon CloudFront CDN




Shopify, Mobile, Linux, Azure, Docker, iOS, Android, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Blockchain, Azure Functions, WatchOS, Mapbox, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


Google Cloud, MongoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Relational Databases, Databases, NoSQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Azure Cosmos DB, Amazon DynamoDB


Web Applications, Applications, Full-stack Development, API Integration, Architecture, Full-stack, Software Architecture, APIs, Dashboards, Charts, Virtual DOM, Front-end, QA Testing, Responsive Web Apps, Mobile Apps, Mobile App Development, Web Development, API Design, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), MERN Stack, Back-end, User Interface (UI), Cloud, Computer Science, Data Structures, Web Security, Cloud Architecture, AWS Cloud Architecture, User Experience (UX), WebSockets, Flux Architecture, Storybook, Smart Devices, CI/CD Pipelines, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Internet of Things (IoT), Server Administration, Azure Databricks, Push Notifications, Web Scraping, Cordova, Slackbot, Amazon RDS, OpenAI GPT-4 API, OpenAI GPT-3 API

2019 - 2022

Master's Degree in Computer Science

University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA, USA

2011 - 2015

Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering
